Amethyst: Purple Perfection

Semiprecious stones make for the perfect centerpiece of any piece of jewelry. However, there are a lot of semiprecious stones out there. When it comes to picking one to use for jewelry, the options are varied, and the decision is difficult. 

Luckily, some gems, like amethyst, are an obvious choice. Amethyst is a stunning semiprecious stone with an immediately striking purple color. Keep reading to find out more about amethyst and discover if this form of purple perfection works for you!

Related: The 7 Precious Stones: Gemstone Guide

What Is Amethyst?

Amethyst is a beautiful gemstone that typically comes in a brilliant purple color. This marks it as something distinct from other gemstones, where purple is difficult to find. When most people think of purple jewelry, amethyst is the first stone that comes to mind. 

Amethyst is actually a variety of quartz. In nature, it grows in clusters that spike out in beautiful chaos. Many people like the natural look of amethyst so much that they purchase full geodes of the stone and use them as decoration. 

In ancient times, many civilizations believed amethyst to be extremely rare. However, later on, massive amethyst deposits were found in Africa and South America. This makes amethyst easy to get access and also reduces its price. Because of this, many people regard it as the go-to stone for purple jewelry. 

The Color of Amethyst

Amethyst gets its purple color from irradiated iron within the gem. While all types of amethyst generally feature a purple color, the exact nature of the color varies. This is the most noticeable difference from one form of amethyst to the next. 

The biggest visual difference in the color is in the intensity of the purple. Some amethyst is a deep and rich purple, while others are slightly less saturated. The less saturated forms look slightly pale and, in some cases, may even look more white than purple. 

The deeper and richer colors are typically more desirable and, thus, more expensive. Despite this, the less intense purples still look incredible and work just as well with certain jewelry pieces. 

In addition, amethyst can be treated to change its color even further. Amethyst will become greener by heating it, whether by humans or as a part of nature. However, this technically makes it a gem named prasiolite rather than amethyst.

Want to bring some purple perfection into your own life? Check out our selection of amethyst jewelry!

What Does Amethyst Represent?

Amethyst is the most well-known as the birthstone for the month of February. For those born in this month, amethyst often holds a special place in their heart. 

However, amethyst has meaning outside of this. Ancient Greeks appreciated its purported healing properties, and some people claim it has health benefits. 

In Ancient Greece, amethyst was believed to have healing properties that would protect against intoxication and drunkenness. In fact, the name “amethyst” comes from Ancient Greek words, which roughly translate to “not drunk.” Because of this, amethyst was often incorporated into drinking vessels, and those trying to keep a clear head usually kept some around. 

Belief in the healing power of amethyst has continued to this day. One of the central properties many modern proponents claim it has is the ability to clear one’s mind. In addition, some believe it has the ability to boost the immune system. 

Unfortunately, these health benefits cannot be verified. However, its connection to ancient beliefs and to the month of February still makes it appealing to many.

Related: Different Crystals And Their Meanings In Jewelry

Uses of Amethyst

Like many other semiprecious stones, amethyst is a key component of many jewelry pieces. In most cases, amethyst is cut and shaped in a way that looks like most other gems out there. 

However, amethyst stands out through its striking purple color. While diamonds and pearls are subtle and can fade into the background, amethyst makes a statement. 

This is where amethyst really hits its stride and can be used to tie an entire outfit together. Purple amethyst jewelry stands out when paired with simple outfits. These range from a little black dress to outfits featuring solid beige or pastel shades. It works particularly well with white outfits, which allow the purple to stand out even more. It works less well with outfits that already feature intense patterns, as the overall look comes across as a little messy. 

Amethyst also has the potential to complement an already existing purple color scheme. If you need purple, amethyst will do the job regardless of the situation. 

Amethyst also looks great in a variety of different jewelry pieces. It works just as well in a set of earrings as in a necklace. This is true whether the jewelry is silver or gold, as the beautiful purple color of amethyst works with both. In addition, amethysts pairs well with diamonds, which form a seriously beautiful combination. 

Some jewelry pieces also take advantage of amethyst’s natural state. Amethyst organically forms crystals that jut out in asymmetric ways. Some jewelry eschews the traditional gem look and seeks to preserve the natural appearance of amethyst. This makes for the perfect centerpiece in amethyst necklaces or even large rings. 

Related: Semi-Precious Stones: Everything You Need To Know 

Caring for Amethyst Jewelry

Amethyst is relatively hardy. It is rated at a seven hardness on the Mohs hardness scale, which makes it suitable for jewelry. However, any gem, even a diamond, has the potential to chip.

Because of this, we recommend not wearing amethyst jewelry in situations where chipping may happen. If you are out rock climbing, doing tough physical labor, or in a similar circumstance, it may be best to leave your amethyst at home. 

In addition, the color of some types of amethyst may fade slightly when exposed to direct sunlight for long periods of time. This shouldn’t have too big of an impact for those who wear it in the sun, but it will have an impact if amethyst is left to sit in the sun for extended periods of time. Make sure to store your amethyst in a place where it is not in direct sunlight to keep it looking its best.  

In addition, like any other jewelry, amethyst can benefit from being cleaned regularly. However, while doing so, make sure not to clean it too roughly. Otherwise, you may damage the jewelry.

Amethyst: Purple Perfection

When it comes to purple jewelry, amethyst really is the perfect choice. It looks good, is durable, and has a special significance to many. Plus, it is affordable, making it even more accessible to anyone interested in it.

We always have new and exciting gemstone jewelry! Find our latest arrivals right here!